Why use a central system for physical identity and access management (PIAM)?
A typical organization has a large number of identities to manage, and identities need to be added and removed when new employees join the organization and others leave. Access information also needs to be updated, for example, when an employee gets a new role. In addition, visitors and subcontractors need temporary access.
This whitepaper goes through the advantages of using a central system for your physical identity and access management (PIAM):
All identities and access rights are handled in one place, independently of underlying physical access control systems (PACS).
Manual processes are reduced.
The organization’s policies are integrated into the processes and enforced on all underlying PACS.
The risk of data being inconsistent is minimized.
Processes are made efficient and smooth, with the help of user self-service.
Access rights are automatically allocated and revoked.
The change history of people and objects is easy to trace.
Reporting is flexible, configurable and managed centrally.
Security risks are minimized.