How to choose the right physical identity and access management (PIAM) system
A centralized physical identity and access management (PIAM) system makes life easier for everyone in your organization. But choosing the right PIAM system is not an easy task. This guide provides you with the 10 fundamental high-level questions and the 14 nitty-gritty detailed questions you need to make the right choice.
A PIAM system fetches information from, for example, the HR system or Microsoft’s catalogue service Active Directory, applies your entitlement rules to the user information, issues the relevant credentials, and updates all physical access control systems accordingly. When all major processes for issuing, changing and revoking identities and their credentials are handled in one centralized system it is also possible to ensure traceability and auditability, which is required by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Examples of fundamental high-level questions and nitty-gritty detailed questions you need to choose the right PIAM system are:
How can I implement best practices and standardize my security organization?
How do I lower my liability and maximize asset protection?
How do I future-proof my entire security investment?
Which PIAM systems handles contractors and visitors as well as employees?
Do we need to do some kind of manual sign off to ensure the trustworthiness of the identity before issuing ID cards, and if so, which PIAM systems can enforce this?
Do I want to add visual identification to my cards, and if so, which PIAM systems can help me issue photo ID badges?
Which PIAM systems helps me comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?